Now that all of my preparation for Berkeley Artisans is all done, what next? I've sent out over 1600 snail mail postcards, emails are done, now I must prepare my studio for the big event. I like to take over more space in my studio for display, so crowds can filter through and see my hand-made jewelry in spacious comfort. After I attempt to defeat the dust bunnies, I'll set up the cases that I use for craft shows along with a place for home-made cookies and refreshments. Unlike most craft shows, I don't have to worry if a storm or tornado is coming, I don't have to weight down a tent and batten the hatches. It's a luxury being inside. I just have to clean up, prepare the cases, and aim the lighting in the correct direction creating a nice warm setting...cue music.
If you walk through the long narrow corridors of the Sawtooth Building, on any given day, you'll find many doors closed with people behind them working. During our annual Berkeley Artisans Holiday open studios event, those doors are open and the first thing you'll notice is the beautiful light filled spaces that are streaming with activity. Concrete floors, 30 foot ceilings, diffused natural light beaming in...the spaces are grungy and suitable for industrial work, but they are also, well... very pretty--in my eye. When I see one of these spaces I think about all of the possibilities...As you walk through, I hope you'll engage with the artists, ask questions, look at our work and enjoy it.
Please visit me in my well-lit studio, see my work, and we'll chat about process. Wander through the building and go with it, just ask and someone will direct you to the next place, or use the handy map...which you can download at